Working in the simple CAD environment and opens you up to BIM technology.
Object-oriented 2D drawing, fast documentation creation.
ArCADia BIM LT is an intuitive CAD program that is fully functional, easy-to-operate and one that allows object-oriented creation of 2D building documentation as well as saving files to the 2018 DWG format.
It is a straightforward graphic design tool for the construction industry in its broadest sense. The LT version of the program has all the basic functions of the ArCADia BIM system.
• Supports BIM technology, object-oriented architectural design.
• Intelligent drawing with ready-made architectural elements such as: stairs, multilayer walls, columns, bases, windows, chimneys, and doors.
• Merging and comparing documents.
• Inserting floors automatically, additional support for Teriva ceiling design.
• Generating Lists.
• IFC format support. The ability of exchanging design data with other programs.
• Full DWG/DXF support.
• Single wall insertion by an edge - NEW.
• Tutorial videos available at command icons - NEW.
• Library of animated objects, selection of sun animation and scene cloud cover, saving project tour as mp4 format.
• PBR texture library.
• Project Manager tree
The management of views and displayed information in the easy to understand tree of the Project Manager.
• Walls, windows, doors
The Insertion of elements such as walls, pipes, etc. with the smart tracking function.
• Visualization
Showing elements drawn in the view in a classic or the new 3D view rendered in real time (visualization using a 3D game engine).
• Smart TOP 10
A “smart list” of commands most often used which is automatically created while working on a project, thus creating a personalized tool palette.
• Comparing
The ability to compare two versions of a project that is created as an ArCADia system model which shows new and modified system elements.
• Merging
The ability to merge installation design models with the architectural design of the building model thus creating one complete model of the building project.
• Collisions
List of all or individual collisions of the ArCADia system elements on a view, a 3D view as well as a comprehensive list.
• Library
A library that is built-into the program allowing for 2D symbols and 3D objects detailing when needed in the drawing.
• Title blocks
Ability to create and insert title blocks and saving them to the program library.
• Custom setting
Ability to save elements’ custom settings (pens, fonts, default element sizes, etc.) in the template of the project.
• Elements
Element types built-in library, with the option of expansion.
• Dimensioning
Allows for entering linear and angular dimensioning.